
If you are serious about a career in Beauty Therapy you need the best qualifications possible. At Coogan Bergin we give you that and over 95% of all our full time students find immediate placement upon graduation. Many Irish Salon & Spa owners recruit directly from Coogan Bergin as do a number of international companies including the prestigious ‘Steiner’ company who hold a recruitment day with us every year for therapists who wish to work on the Worlds leading Cruise Liners.

All courses taught at Coogan Bergin, lead towards a diploma awarded by the very best internationally recognised examination bodies:



(Comite International D’Esthetique Et De Cosmetologie)

Quite simply the worlds leading professional body in the area of Beauty Therapy. It is the most comprehensive Beauty Therapy training course available covering all aspects of Beauty Therapy & Body Therapy.

With its headquarters in Zurich, Switzerland, CIDESCO is represented in over 33 countries and over 200 CIDESCO schools teach to its internationally acclaimed standards offering the world’s most prestigious qualification in the field of aesthetics and beauty therapy. The CIDESCO Diploma is recognised globally as the highest qualification within our profession.


(Confederation of Beauty Therapy and Cosmetology)

Broadly divided into three core modules: Beautician Course, Body Massage Course with Anatomy & Physiology & Electrolysis Course, CIBTAC lends itself exceptionally well to those who want to undertake Part Time Beauty Courses. CIBTAC forms part of the national framework for education and individual modules are FETAC rated between level 3 & 6. It is the examination body of the British Association of Beauty Therapy and Cosmetology. Graduates who successfully complete their CIBTAC examinations can then go on to take their CIDESCO Diploma should they wish, by completing some post graduate training. CIBTAC is recognised internationally as an outstanding qualification in Beauty Therapy.


(International Therapy Examination Centre)

Founded to provide in Independent bona-fide Professional Examination system recognised in nearly every English speaking country It offers shorter, modular training courses in a variety of beauty related disciplines.


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